Easy "Quick Pickles" [Low-carb, Keto, Sugar-free, Gluten-Free]
The Easiest Homemade Pickled Veggies
Keto | Sugar-free | Gluten-Free | Vegetarian
Have you ever made your own pickles at home? It’s surprisingly easy. Just grab whatever veggies you’d like and I’ll show you how to do it!
Let me know if you try it!!
1 lb - Jalapeños or any veggie you like! (*See notes below)
6 to 8 cloves - Garlic, peeled
1 cup - Water
1 cup - Vinegar (White, Apple Cider, or White Wine vinegar all work great)
1 Tbsp - Sea Salt
1 Tbsp - Sweetener (If you like your pickles sweet, add 3 or 4 Tbsp instead
Optional: Peppercorns, pickling spices, fresh dill, lemon zest, hot pepper flakes, etc (See note below)
This recipe really works with any fresh vegetable. I particularly like it with red onions, asparagus, beets, carrots, green beans, or cauliflower.
I kept this recipe very simple, and I like it that way. But if you want to add spices or fresh herbs you absolutely can.
These last in the fridge for about 6 months (or more!), so they are a great way to use up whatever veggies are starting to go bad in your fridge.
You can eat them right away, but they only get better the longer they sit in the jar.
Check out the video above on youtube to see how it’s made!
Prepare your veggies. For vegetables like jalapeños, cucumbers, etc - slice them up thinly. For stalky veggies like asparagus or green beans, cut them to the hight of the jar. Cut broccoli and cauliflower into florets.
Pack the veggies into the jar along with the garlic cloves (and any fresh herbs, if using)
In a sauce pan, boil the water, vinegar, sweetener, and salt. Once FULLY boiling, pour it CAREFULLY into the jar until the jar is full.
Loosely place the lid on the jar so that steam can still escape, then leave it on your counter until its cooled down a bit. Seal the lid tight and place it in your fridge.